The duration of the course is six months. DeVriksha has no Batch System. Since it is a very exclusive academy, it teaches a selected few with outmost care. The four months start from the day the student joins the classes. The topics on which training is provided are as follows:
The articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience is of prime importance in Acting. There are specially designed exercises on Hindi and Urdu Diction.
Fluency of language is another important aspect. The students should develop good vocabulary so that they become articulate.
Voice Culture
The process of bringing the voice under control is known as voice culture, which includes traditional and scientific methods to improve the quality of voice. Every individual is unique, so is every voice. Though there are individual limitations differing from person to person, it is very important to note that this is the only instrument, which can be cultivated, improved and cultured, by variation of pitch, intensity and timbre (tonal quality) and all the above mentioned features.
Diagnosing a voice and correcting the basic techniques improves the condition, health and abilities of any voice. Exercises are designed for unlocking the innate abilities in a voice that exists purely by its anatomical and physiological nature. After all, the voice is a combination of body, mind and spirit.
Facial expressions of emotion is a complex area. Expressions is among the most powerful, natural, and immediate means for actors to communicate their emotions and intentions. The face can express emotion sooner than people verbalize or even realize their feelings. Great care is given to the dynamics of expressions.
The ability to direct one’s thinking in whatever direction one would intend. This is learning mental self-regulation for the work that you are doing.
Video Analysis
Video analysis provides people an insight into their own self. Watching their ownselves perform, students can understand their skills and talents better. It allows them to improve at a better rate because they have themselves had the chance to measure their shortcomings and pitfalls.
Dubbing requires the substitution of the voice of each character on the screen by the voice of the performer or another actor. It is, thus, a form of voice-over or re-voicing. Dubbing is, however, distinguished from voice-over by its strict adherence to lip-synchronization. In order to seem “natural” or authentic, the performed voice must match, as closely as possible, the lip movements of the speaker on the screen.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is one of the first thing people use to form an impression of you. People speak with their eyes as well as their words. One of the best ways to make your co-artist or audience feel a part of your presentation is through effective eye contact. By making eye contact, you will get undivided attention and keep others interested in your presentation.
Our Acting course also concentrates on finer details like
> Self confidence
> Development of Personality
> Personal Grooming